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To our valued community members,

As you may know, in an attempt to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak, all non-essential business activities in Quebec are currently prohibited. As such, it is impossible for landlords to offer apartment visits at this time. However, we fully encourage you to contact the landlords of any apartments that may interest you to inquire about the possibility of a virtual visit or to request a callback once these restrictions have been lifted.

We want to assure you that we continue to do our best to provide you with excellent service to help you through this trying time.

Thank you for trusting us and stay safe!

Appartmap Team


When you list your apartment as a Featured Ad, your apartment will remain at the top of the search results for at least 7 days. Your apartment will also have a Featured Ad icon that other non-featured ads do not have.

You can keep your Featured Ad for 7, 14, 21 or 30 days, depending on your preference.

Here is an example of an apartment listed as a Featured Ad in Montréal.

Example of a Featured Ad in Montréal